                   Topic: Voluntary Access Fees (VAFs)
We humbly request voluntary access fees from any of our players willing
to pay them.  You are not required to pay a VAF to play 3K, but without
them, 3K can't exist to be played, so you can see the math.  We rely on
the genorosity of the player community to keep 3K running for the good
of everyone.  If you would like to toss in a few bucks...
* To pay by credit card online, using PayPal's secure server,
  go to: https://www.paypal.com/xclick/business=paypal@3k.org
  * Be sure to include your character's name in the notes field *
  * (chances are the 'notes' fields is labeled 'payment for:') *
* To pay by mail, make check/MO payable in US funds to:
  The Marble Group
  P.O. Box 2063
  Ann Arbor, MI 48106-2063
  * Be sure to include your character's name on the check/MO *

Here are some of the immediate benefits of 3K VAF's:
 * You get to have a mud to play on. :)
 * $5        : +2 name to linktell, +5 names to mywho list.
 * $10       : The ability to tellb (tellblock) all
 * $21       : +3 names to link, +10 names to mywho.
 * $50       : +3 names to link, +15 names to mywho, a .plan
 * $100      : +3 names to link, +20 names to mywho, .plan, earmuffs 740
 * $150      : +3 names to link, +20 names to mywho, .plan, earmuffs 940

Further non-power perks, such as the ability to play a legal 2nd character,
and other abilities will be considered with significant VAF's.  Now, of
course, the perks are insignificant, and in no way should be construed as
compensation for your payment.  Only pay what you feel like paying.  Any
amount will help.  The above extras are only rewards for your kindness.

Thank you!

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