                             Topic: Wizards
The 3Kingdoms Wizard Hierarchy
  Wizard Ranks
  High Wizard
  Great Wizard
  Arch Wizard
  Titled Wizards
  Baron              Lord in Training
  Lord               Area/Item Approval Associate
  Overlord           Overseer: Barons, Applicants, Support
  Area Overlord      Overseer: Areas, Policy Advisory, Game Aesthetics
  Guild Overlord     Overseer: Guilds, Policy Advisory, Game Aesthetics
  Quest Overlord     Overseer: Quests, Policy Advisory, Game Aesthetics
  Count              Overseer: Coding practices and support
  Duke               Overseer: Lords, Help Files, Registration, Overlords
  Pope               System, Hardware Support
  Admin              Mudlib, Final Authority, Destroyers of 3K
  Retired Wizards
  Abbot - typically, retired Lords
  Bishop - typically, retired Overlords
  Archbishop - typically, retired Dukes or Overlords
  Sage - typically, retired admin or somewhat active retired high-titled wiz
  As a player with a problem, you should target the following
  wizard tiers with your issue.  Start out with Arch Wizards
  and work your way up.  Skipping levels just to get an answer
  more quickly is very rude, and will result in you being labeled
  as illiterate, since you will have obviously demonstrated that
  you cannot read.  The system is designed for a reason, and
  we're happy to resolve your issue, but you have to do you part
  first and respect the tree of complaints.
     Arch Wizard
  Below is the list of all currently active wizards here on
  3Kingdoms.  If you find an error anywhere in this listing,
  please contact a Lord.
  Titled Wizards
  Alayna      : Countess
  Arrion      : Overlord
  Dayln       : Count
  Druss       : Overlord
  Hobbes      : Lord
  Nanook      : Admin
  Olfin       : Lord
  Rastafan    : Admin
  Rumor       : Quest Overlord
  Pistil      : Count
  Skeet       : Lord
  Stelari     : Lord
  Talismon    : Overlord
  Tensor      : Admin
  Thor        : Pope
  Tramane     : Lord
  Vraal       : Duke
  Vryce       : Lady
  Wain        : Admin
  Zimpor      : Lord
  Adalius     : 610 Great Wizard
  Amish       : 540 Wizard
  Askye       : 540 Wizard
  Aztec       : 570 High Wizard
  Caalan      : 540 Wizard
  Casso       : 530 Wizard
  Cerberus    : 510 Neophyte
  Crowley     : 550 High Wizard
  Foggie      : 530 Wizard
  Gilad       : 530 Wizard
  Gogmagog    : 510 Neophyte
  Heath       : 590 High Wizard
  Igor        : 630 Great Wizard
  Indium      : 570 High Wizard
  Infiniti    : 530 Wizard
  Kendric     : 580 High Wizard
  Lauranna    : 570 High Wizard
  Lostar      : 610 Wizard
  Miyurachi   : 560 High Wizard
  Monte       : 540 Wizard
  Razorx      : 610 Great Wizard
  Rodney      : 520 Wizard
  Samiel      : 640 Great Wizard
  Shadow      : 570 High Wizard
  Slick       : 610 Great Wizard
  Slister     : 650 Arch Wizard
  Solo        : 640 Great Wizard
  Tharog      : 620 Great Wizard
  Thyros      : 580 High Wizard
  Tuesdai     : 540 Wizard
  Wizwise     : 550 High Wizard

keywords: wizzing

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